Mr Weis’ Classroom Blog

October 8, 2008

Wednesday Wordplay

Filed under: Announcements,Homework — mrweis @ 5:26 pm

Today we began a new wordplay activity called Word Ladders. In the activity, a series of riddles leads students through different words, causing them to examine spelling patterns as well as to work with synonyms and word meanings. An example was sent home for homework tonight. As the year progresses, I will be introducing different kinds of wordplay games and riddles. I encourage you to also look for board games that involve words to play together as a family. Some great wordplay games are Scrabble, Boggle, Balderdash, Upwords, Apples to Apples and Taboo. If you have another word based game that you play at home, let me know and maybe we could add it to a classroom game library.


  1. Language Arts: Word Latter Worksheet
  2. Mathematics: Problem Set #9, Pages 32,33 in Math Journal if you did not finish during school time.
  3. Reading: Read for 20 minutes and write in your pink reading log.

Mr. Weis

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