Mr Weis’ Classroom Blog

January 20, 2009


Filed under: Announcements,Homework — mrweis @ 8:55 pm
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“On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.”

It sure felt special today to sit in that auditorium with the entire school and watch the inauguration together.  I hope the event was memorable for everyone.  Thanks to the parents who helped out setting things up and thanks to Danya and Chloe for making the great buttons for the class.

Today went really quickly with the inauguration, the field trip to see the National Acrobats of China and instrumental music in the afternoon.  During the time between lunch and instrumental music we finished up the video “At the River I Stand.” For some more information on the Memphis Sanitation Worker strike and King’s involvement, check out this video.  On Friday we had watched half the video and discussed some connections between Martin Luther King’s vision of civil rights and labor movements.  As we finished the video, we made connections between King’s Mountaintop speech and the events of today.  It’s really quite a remarkable speech.  Check out the full text and video of it here.


  1. Writing: Tonight for homework, each student will write a rough draft of a letter to our new President.  In the letter they will get a chance to voice their opinion of what they would like the President to work on as he takes office. We will work on revising the letters and then send them to the White House.
  2. Reading: read for 20 minutes and fill out reading log.

Mr. Weis

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