Mr Weis’ Classroom Blog

May 20, 2009

A persuasive piece of chocolate

Filed under: Announcements,Homework — mrweis @ 7:41 pm
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Over the past week, we have been working on our new writing genre, persuasive essays.  To start things out, we read some persuasive essays about why there should or should not be zoos.  Then we collaboratively acquainted ourselves with some new graphic organizers and interactively wrote an essay about why chocolate is not a candy.  The students really got into the topic and each contributed sentences towards our final essay.  Here it is in its entirety, with a small disclaimer.

Warning, the following essay may be used to try to persuade a parent or adult to allow a child to eat copious amounts of chocolate.  The best response would probably be to write your own counter essay.  Make sure to use a clear five paragraph structure, three reasons, and supporting details. Best of luck to you 🙂

Has anyone ever told you that you are not allowed to eat chocolate because it is a candy? If you think Chocolate is as bad as candy, think again. Chocolate is actually very different from candy despite the fact that it is often called it. Chocolate is not a candy because it does not fit the definition, it is healthy, and it is natural.

Some people might ask, “Why is chocolate not a candy?” and first I would tell them, just look it up. First of all, the definition of candy does not include chocolate. This is because the definition of candy clearly includes “boiling down syrup,” which is not used in chocolate. Also, the definition of chocolate is entirely different from candy. According to Webster’s Dictionary, chocolate is, “a food prepared from ground, roasted cocao beans.”

Unlike candy, chocolate can be healthy and beneficial to the body. Chocolate can help you live longer. According to a Harvard University study, men who ate chocolate lived one year longer than those who didn’t. Candy can also give you cavities, but chocolate can actually prevent them. Cacao contains antibacterial agents that can even fight tooth decay.

While candy is an artificial food substance, chocolate is fabulously natural. Chocolate is so natural that you could even say it grows on trees. Chocolate is made from cacao beans that are taken from the cacao tree that grows in Central and South America. Additionally, how could chocolate possibly be considered artificial when people have been eating it for thousands of years? The Aztec people, an ancient civilization from Central America, ate and drank chocolate.

In summary, chocolate is not a candy for 3 different reasons: first, it does not fit the definition, second it is a healthy food, and third, it is natural. Some people might say that chocolate is a candy because it has sugar in it. However, fruit has sugar in it too, and no one would ever call fruit a candy. So next time someone tells you “No Candy,” just pull out some chocolate instead, and if they question you, just explain all the reasons why chocolate is, without a doubt, not candy.

One other note: tomorrow the students will perform their end of the year instrumental music concert.  Both the band and the string orchestra will play a selection of pieces for the enjoyment of the whole school.  It would be great to see some parents too if possible.  The concert will begin at 2:00pm in the auditorium.


  1. Language Arts: Complete at least first two paragraphs of persuasive essay.
  2. Mathematics: Review practice test and prepare for the final district assessment tomorrow.
  3. Other: Continue working on Vocabulary packet.
  4. Reading: Read for 20 minutes and fill out pink reading log.

Mr. Weis

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