Mr Weis’ Classroom Blog

October 20, 2008

The crowd watched in disbelief at the indescribable and unbelievable stunt, hoping there had been no miscaclulations when the trick was designed.

Filed under: Announcements,Homework — mrweis @ 4:54 pm
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The prefixes in the title are the ones we are working with this week.  Students worked with six specific vocabulary words today.  Although the six words that have been chosen are unknown to you right now, you can find them in the blog post in italics.

We had an informal math quiz today, and will be having the district assessment at the end of the week.  I’d like to encourage and not discourage students from brushing up and practicing on some concepts including factoring, place value, computation with decimals, and working with unknown variables in number sentences.

Some of the reading logs that I looked over on the weekend are still being filled out incorrectly, incompletely or in some cases I have even caught students being dishonest about what they are reading.  Please make sure that all students do their independent reading at home each night and fill out their log completely.  Reading and filling out logs should be an everyday thing and not an infrequent activity that takes place only at the end of the week.  This week we will be filling out an additional log everyday in class during the read aloud of Maniac Magee.

Today we also began reading an article about Evel Knieval and practiced Recirprocal Teaching strategies of predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing.  Being such a daredevil, I wonder if Evel Knieval got into much mischief as a kid.  Ask your children about how many bones Evel broke over the course of his career.  The answer is quite incredible.


  1. Language Arts:  Vocabulary story using in-, un-, dis- and mis- words.
  2. Mathematics: Page 45: Place value puzzles.  As enrichment, try making your own place value puzzle.
  3. Reading:  Read for 20 minutes and fill out reading logs completely.

Mr. Weis

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